
APCER - Acreditações

IPAC - Instituto Português de Acreditação

The Instituto Português de Acreditação, I.P. (IPAC), established by the Portuguese government through Decree-Law 125/2004 of 31 May, is the national accreditation board responsible for verifying that all certification bodies meet international technical standard.

ENAC - Entidad Nacional de Acreditación

ENAC - Entidad Nacional de Acreditación - is the agency designated by the Spanish government to operate in Spain as a National Accreditation Body, according to Regulation (EU) nº 765/2008, which regulates the functioning of accreditation in Europe.

INMETRO - Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial

INMETRO is an independent federal agency created by Act No. 5966 of December 11, 1973, CNPJ / MF under No. 00.662.270/0001-68, through the General Coordination for Accreditation - CGCRE; is the organism that elaborates the principles and policies for development, maintenance and operation of accreditation of conformity assessment bodies under the Brazilian System of Conformity Assessment - SBAC, according to the guidelines of the National Metrology, Standardization and Quality Industrial – Conmetro.

SAAS - Social Accountability Accreditation Services

Social Accountability Accreditation Services is an accreditation body that has the responsibility to recognize and monitor the competence of certification bodies, according to international benchmarks, including the SA 8000 standard, the standard of reference for issues of ethics and working conditions. The SAAS began as a department included in the structure of Social Accountability International (SAI) in 1997 and was formally established in 2007 as a charitable.

ASI - Assurance Services International

Assurance Services International is an accreditation body for various standards and sustainability initiatives. It monitors the compliance, decision-making and activities of certification bodies through an individual and holistic approach. ASI bases its assessment and accreditation of certification bodies exclusively on proprietary schemes, such as FSC®.


APCER is accredited by IOAS for product certification. Accreditation number: Contract No. 147. See for current information.


APCER - Acreditações


This association was set up in Brussels by some companies to represent the foreign trade interests of retailers, brands and importers to European and international institutions. Amfori is the leading global association for open and sustainable trade, bringing together more than 2000 retailers, importers, brands and associations from more than 40 countries. Its mission is to enable each of its members to enhance human prosperity, to use natural resources responsibly, and to conduct global trade in an open manner.


SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) is a global membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices in global Supply chains. It is the home to one of the world’s leading collaborative platforms for buyers, suppliers and affiliate audit companies to store, share and report on information quickly and easily. SEDEX helps more than 50 000 members in over 150 countries to work together to better manage their social and environmental performance and implement measure to protect people the environment and their business.

APCER is an AAC (Affiliate Audit Company) of SEDEX.

Social Labour & Convergence Program (SLCP)

The Social & Labor Convergence Program is a multi-sector, non-profit initiative that aims to eliminate audit fatigue in global supply chains, and improve the social and working conditions of companies in these chains.

It is applicable to the textile, clothing and footwear industries, and provides the tools to collect and share information on working conditions in global supply chains, replacing the need for repetitive social audits.

APCER is an approved verification body for the SLCP program in Portugal and China.

IRCA - International Register of Certificated Auditors

APCER belongs to the Approved Training Partners network of CQI and IRCA, encompassing in its training offer some courses certified by this entity.

DGERT - Direcção-Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho

APCER is also recognized as a training entity by DGERT, guaranteeing the best standards of training provided in several areas.

IRTA - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries

IRTA - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries, is a research institute belonging to the Government of Catalonia, linked to the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda and it is part of the CERCA center system in Catalonia. It is regulated by Law 04/2009, approved by the Catalan Parliament on April 15, 2009, and is governed by private regulations.

IRTA, one of the founders of the WELFARE QUALITY NETWORK, in collaboration with the Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario SA (NEIKER) developed the Certification Scheme in Bienestar Animal Welfair™, which it owns, based on the Welfare Quality protocols managed by Welfare Quality Network, on the AWIN® protocols managed by the AWIN® Network, and on the Welfare Quality Inspired protocols developed and managed by IRTA itself.


ENFIT - INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION - SUPPLY CHAIN SAFETY is an international organization that sets European and global standards to ensure the safety and transparency of the supply chain for sensitive products, such as chemicals, food, and feed, focusing on risk prevention, traceability, and public health protection.

APCER is a member of ENFIT and a certification partner.


APCER - Acreditações

IQNET - The International Certification Network.

IQNET - International Certification Network is an international non-governmental and not for profit association. Supported by more than 30 years of activity, IQNET is the leading, most credible, and reliable certification bodies network in the world. IQNET network currently has 35 partners which represent more than 400 subsidiaries or branches worldwide, involving more than 40,000 administrative and technical personnel, from which approximately half are auditors.

As one of the representatives and reputable players in the global conformity assessment market, IQNET actively participates in regional and global forums and organizations, investing significant resources and efforts in the credibility, ethics, competence, and value of conformity assessment, for the benefit of its Partners, its clients, and its stakeholders.

Collectively, IQNET partners provide more than 200 different management system certification and/or assessment services. These services are supported both by International Standards (e.g. published by ISO, CEN, et.,) or based on local standards or regulations.

According to IQNET Multilateral Agreement, partners have the right to issue an IQNET Statement (commonly as IQNET Certificate) in conjunction with its own certificates. Through this attestation, both the original certifying IQNET Partner and IQNET Association (representing the rest of the network) recognize that the relevant organization’s management system conforms to the defined standards or specification, including ISO9001 quality management systems (MS), ISO14001 environmental MS, OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety MS and many more.

Benefits of APCER’s participation in IQNET:

Certificates with worldwide recognition:

Through our membership in IQNet, our certificates are recognized worldwide, allowing enabling easier access to foreign markets;

Global Competence:

Our network of partners is a guarantee of proximity to customers/clients, resources and professionals on a truly global scale;

Assured knowledge:

Cooperation between partners and auditors of this international certification network permits the quick and thorough transfer of knowledge where it is needed.

Quality Austria

Headquartered in Austria, Quality Austria - a member of the IQNET or International Certification Network - emerged in 2004 from a merger of three reference bodies: OQS - Austrian Association for the Promotion of Quality and Management Systems, OVQ - Austrian Association for Quality Assurance, OQA - Austrian Society for the Promotion of Quality and AFQM - Austrian Foundation for Quality Management.

The partnerships that Quality Austria has established allows for the provision of services in various markets in Eastern and Southern Europe, Northern Africa, Asia, South and Central America and now in Portugal.

This partnership allows APCER to provide certification services based on the IFS, BRCGS and FSSC 22000 references according to increased international credibility standards and enlist network partners to conduct local audits in other countries.

Partnership benefits:


As a result of the merger of four reference entities, Quality Austria has decades of experience in certification activities related to management systems, products, and services.


Auditors with proven expertise based on rigorous qualification processes.


Quality Austria's network of partners allows for the rendering of certification services anywhere in the world by enlisting highly qualified local auditors.

APSCA - Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors.

APSCA - Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors was created in the United States to support organisations and individuals, and is the main industry association actively promoting the use of independent social compliance audits.

With its vast experience in social responsibility audits, APCER became a permanent member of APSCA, demonstrating its commitment to the issue.

The APSCA currently has more than 4060 Member Auditors in 96 countries.

The APSCA's mission is to enhance the professionalism, consistency and credibility of the individuals and organisations performing independent social compliance audits, in order to develop a workforce of committed, competent, experienced and ethical professionals.

The APSCA has adopted a Code and Standards of Professional Conduct, which establish the level of professional conduct expected from APCER as a full member, and APCER has undertaken to comply with the principles set out therein in all its social responsibility audit activities.

APSCA benefits:

Worldwide credibility:

Enhance the professionalism, consistency and credibility of performing independent social compliance audits


Recognition of the competence of auditors who carry out social compliance audits through a demanding qualification process

Assured competence:

Elevate the role of the social compliance auditor, developing a community/network of committed, with work experience, competent, and ethical professionals

SCS Global Services

Founded in 1984 and headquartered in California, United States of America, SCS Global Services operates worldwide. It provides audit, testing, certification, inspection and training solutions in the areas of sustainability and social responsibility, working in 3 major areas: Environmental Certification, Natural Resources and Agriculture and Food.

This partnership allows APCER to provide certification services according to the chain of custody benchmarks RSPO, UTZ/RA, MSC / ASC, in accordance with high international standards of credibility, and to use network partners to carry out local audits in other countries.

Benefits SCS Global Services:


With over 35 years of experience and worldwide presence, SCS was a pioneer and leader in the field of sustainability certification.


Auditors with proven competence, according to strict qualification processes.


The partnership with SCS allows the provision of certification services anywhere in the world, using highly qualified local auditors.

Our integrated services

Learn more about our certification, audit and training services.

Supply Chain Audits
APCER Avaliacao de fornecedores
APCER compliance
ESG & Sustainability Consulting
Forestry Sector
APCER forest
APCER formacao
Food Safety
APCER seg alimentar
Information Security
APCER segurança info
Management Systems, Products and Services
APCER serviços sistemas
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