Integrated Services


Environment, Social, Governance


Sustainable and responsible investments

The ESG sustainability criteria - Environment, Social and Governance, are decisive for the competitiveness of organizations. They allow the segmentation, management, measurement and reporting of the performance of organizations in a transparent, reliable and comparable way. The adoption and development of these criteria by organizations contributes to increasing their reputation in the market.


Proven experience in conducting audits within the scope of sustainability;

Auditors and trainers with recognized skills;

Credible reports with useful information for the performance of organizations;

Proximity to the customer.

Sustainability Reports

APCER Relatorios de Sustentabilidade

Sustainability Consulting

APCER Consultoria em Sustentabilidade

ESG Dimensions

Get to know our integrated offer for each dimension.

APCER Ambiente ESG
APCER Responsabilidade Social
APCER Governance


Society and organizations are aware of the need to adopt sustainable development practices, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution and promoting the responsible use of materials and energy.

APCER Ambiente ESG

Our Services

  • ISO 14001

    Environment, Sustainability, Management System
    Sistema de Gestão Ambiental
  • ISO 14006

    Environment, Sustainability, Process Certification
    Gestão do Ecodesign
  • ISO 50001

    Environment, Energy, Management System
    Sistema de Gestão da Energia
  • Pegada de Carbono

    Environment, Sustainability
    Cálculo, Validação ou Verificação da Pegada de Carbono
  • Higg FEM

    Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability
    Higg Facility Environmental Module
  • amfori BEPI

    Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability
    Business Environmental Performance Initiative
  • ISO 20121

    Environment, Sustainability, Management System
    Sistema de Gestão de Eventos Sustentáveis
  • Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS)

    Environment, Sustainability
    Reduzir as perdas de plásticos na cadeia de valor


It is imperative to promote a more just, inclusive and equitable society. Organizations must contribute to the quality of life and well-being of populations by improving working conditions and promoting equal opportunities.

APCER Responsabilidade Social

Our Services

  • SA8000

    Social Accountability, Sustainability, Management System
    Gestão da Responsabilidade Social
  • amfori BSCI

    Supply Chain Audits, Social Accountability
    Business Social Compliance Initiative

    Supply Chain Audits, Social Accountability
    Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit
  • SLCP

    Supply Chain Audits, Social Accountability
    Social Labour & Convergence Program
  • Higg FSLM

    Supply Chain Audits, Sustainability
    Higg Facility Social & Labor Module


It integrates the commitment of organizations with good governance, through the adoption of codes of ethics and conduct, transparency in management and communication, implementation of anti-corruption practices, gender equality and diversity management, without neglecting the creation of value and the right of managers and shareholders.

APCER Governance

Our Services

  • ISO 37001

    Governance, Management System
    Sistema de Gestão Anticorrupção
  • ISO 55001

    Governance, Management System
    Sistema de Gestão de Ativos
  • ISO 22301

    Governance, Management System
    Continuidade do Negócio
  • ISO 9001

    Quality, Governance, Management System
    Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade

Our integrated services

Learn more about our certification, audit and training services.

Supply Chain Audits
APCER Avaliacao de fornecedores
APCER compliance
ESG & Sustainability Consulting
Forestry Sector
APCER forest
APCER formacao
Food Safety
APCER seg alimentar
Information Security
APCER segurança info
Management Systems, Products and Services
APCER serviços sistemas
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