25 Oct 2023
ISO recently submitted for a vote among its members the Final Draft International Standard ("FDIS") for the first management system standard to be developed by the ISO and IEC Joint Technical Committee (JTC1/SC42) on Artificial Intelligence. ISO/IEC 42001 ("Information technology - Artificial intelligence - Management system") is due to be…
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17 Aug 2023
The non-financial performance of organizations is increasingly relevant to various stakeholders, namely environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Thus, reporting on sustainability performance can help organizations identify and manage their risks and opportunities, to improve the dialogue between organizations and stakeholders and also to upgrade the reputation of organizations. In…
08 Aug 2023
Food waste puts unnecessary pressure on limited natural resources such as land and water, contributing greatly to climate change. In July 2023, the European Commission proposed new targets for reducing food waste as part of the review of the Waste Framework Directive. Thus, by 31 December 2030, Member States must…
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07 Aug 2023
The FSC® Check is a risk assessment tool developed to ensure that the values of new companies seeking certification are aligned with those of the FSC®, and has been integrated into the trademark license agreement (TLA) signing process. The FSC Check becomes a mandatory step for new companies that apply…
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03 Aug 2023
On June 29, Regulation (EU) 2023/1115, Anti-Deforestation of the European Union (EUDR), came into force, prohibiting the import of products from deforested regions after December 2020. The scope of this regulation covers a wide range of products, including soy, palm oil, beef and coffee, as well as wood and rubber…
31 Jul 2023
SAI - Social Accountability International is promoting the holding of workshops in key countries for the Programs of the SA8000 standard and SAI itself. The importance of these workshops is linked to the need to ensure that the updated standard reflects the objectives and concerns of places and people. In…
11 Jul 2023
Due to climate change and economic and social challenges, it has become essential to define and implement a global action plan that materializes, through objectives and targets, the path to a better world, promoting environmental sustainability, justice, equality and peace. This alignment of objectives contributes to a green, low-carbon, resource-efficient…
06 Jul 2023
According to the United Nations, sustainable development can be defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. This global concept became more present in the world's political agenda during the Rio Conference, held in the city…

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