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03 Aug 2023
On June 29, Regulation (EU) 2023/1115, Anti-Deforestation of the European Union (EUDR), came into force, prohibiting the import of products from deforested regions after December 2020. The scope of this regulation covers a wide range of products, including soy, palm oil, beef and coffee, as well as wood and rubber…
31 Jul 2023
SAI - Social Accountability International is promoting the holding of workshops in key countries for the Programs of the SA8000 standard and SAI itself. The importance of these workshops is linked to the need to ensure that the updated standard reflects the objectives and concerns of places and people. In…
11 Jul 2023
Due to climate change and economic and social challenges, it has become essential to define and implement a global action plan that materializes, through objectives and targets, the path to a better world, promoting environmental sustainability, justice, equality and peace. This alignment of objectives contributes to a green, low-carbon, resource-efficient…
06 Jul 2023
According to the United Nations, sustainable development can be defined as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. This global concept became more present in the world's political agenda during the Rio Conference, held in the city…
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27 Feb 2023
This year the ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group celebrates its 20th Anniversary of ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group who had its first meeting on February 23, 2003, with the aim to provide informational support to QMS auditors, consultants and quality practitioners. His members are recognized ISO/TC 176 audit experts from…
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18 Nov 2022
Both the market and consumers are increasingly paying close attention to brands and demanding that they become more sustainable and effectively demonstrate that the actions they have implemented are becoming more environmentally and socially responsible. This pressure extends to the entire supply chain, which is becoming increasingly complex, as the…
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17 Oct 2022
November 11 has been selected as the date for IQNET DAY, the annual celebration of IQNET - The International Certification Network, the world's most credible and trustworthy network of certification organizations, and a leader in its field. The theme for this year is “Trustworthy”, reflecting a value the network truly…
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18 Aug 2022
For the second consecutive year, APCER was chosen as the Corporate SuperBrand by Superbrands Portugal. This recognition as a Business to Business Mark of Excellence is the result of a continuous and value-added relationship with organizations and society. The Superbrands award methodology is based, firstly, on a survey to a sample…

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Supply Chain Audits
APCER Avaliacao de fornecedores
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Environment, Social, Governance
Forestry Sector
APCER forest
APCER formacao
Food Safety
APCER seg alimentar
Information Security
APCER segurança info
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