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23 Jun 2020
Social compliance audits conducted by independent bodies continue to be at the forefront of corporate social responsibility. This industry has been growing alongside increased awareness of global supply chains. The Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA) is an association that gathers audit bodies, auditors, interested parties and customers from…
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27 May 2020
"Many organisations' growth concepts focus only on the fruits, but they do not factor in the roots that actually produce these fruits" Christian A. Schwarz   An organisation's growth depends on the quality of its products and services, its distinctive marketing, its positioning on the market – often foreseeing the…
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15 May 2020
Security in the supply chain is critical for the success of many companies since it can result in significant losses for the business and other interested parties. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure supply continuity by preventing disruptions that result from partial or total loss of merchandise, theft, sabotage,…
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14 May 2020
The climate change problem and the issue of sustainability have put pressure on the textile industry, which – undeniably – has a major environmental impact. According to WWF Switzerland, the textile and clothing industry emits 1.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide and generates 2.1 billion tonnes of residues per year.…
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14 May 2020
2BForest has launched 2B_OFFICE, the first Iberian co-working space that is FSC®-certified for using materials from forest with certified responsible management, not only promoting respect for the forest's social, environmental, and economic values but also protecting and valuing the world's forests. This APCER-certified project is a global pioneer for having…
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14 May 2020
22 April 2020, Earth day, a day that has never made more sense! In the current context with the COVID-19 pandemic that has transformed our lives, there are no planes in the air, there are no cars on the road, and cities are deserted. Unlike what has usually happened for…
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14 May 2020
The Foundation FSSC 22000 announced that version 5 of its certification scheme was recognised by version 7.2 of the Global Food Safety Initiative's (GFSI) benchmarking requirements. In 2018, GFSI published version 7.2 of its benchmarking requirements. In this version, a new requirement was introduced that requires auditors of certification programs…
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14 May 2020
IWA 31 Risk Management - Guidelines on using ISO 31000 in management systems provides a set of directives for properly integrating the ISO 31000 standard (Risk Management – Guidelines) in organisations that have already implemented or are in the process of implementing a management system, and it explains the connection…

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