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EMAS Verification

Environmental Verification Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009

APCER provides services for the Verification of Environmental Management Systems and the Validation of Declarations of Conformity in accordance with European Regulation (EU) No. 1505, of 28th August 2017 – Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).

EMAS’ goal is to promote the continuous improvement of organizations’ environmental performance by creating and implementing environmental management systems, assessing the performance of these systems, communicating information related to environmental performance and promoting open dialogue with the public and other stakeholders or interested parties, as well as the active participation of workers.

This service is based on the above-mentioned European Regulation, the requirements of which reflect a harmonisation with ISO 14001. It applies to any organization that is looking to improve its environmental performance and provide the public and other stakeholders or interested parties with relevant information on the results of its management of environmental aspects.

The key distinction between the EMAS Verification and the Environmental Certification is the Environmental Declaration of the organization who wishes to register with EMAS and obtain its validation. The Environmental Declaration includes, among other things, a description of the organization and its activities, products or services, its environmental policy, a brief description of its environmental management system and the results of the environmental programme, including performance indicators.

As for the benefits of EMAS Verification by APCER, it should be noted that, by integrating ISO 14001 and EMAS Verification, this service represents a simplification of efforts for the organizations concerned as it allows for both standards to be audited in one single audit conducted by APCER.

Highlights & Trends

  • ISO 45001

    Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • ISO 14001

    Environment, Sustainability, Management System
    Environmental management system
  • ISO 9001

    Quality, Management System
    Quality Management System
  • ISO 50001

    Environment, Energy, Management System
    Energy Management System

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