The European Union adopted Directive 2003/87/CE which established a mechanism for the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EETS).
Operators of installations which, between the years of 2013 and 2020, develop any activity listed in national laws and from which results greenhouse gas emissions (GGE), must:
- Possess a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit (GGEP),
- Monitor and report related emissions in accordance with what is laid out in the respective Monitoring Plan under Regulation (EU) No. 601/2012,
- Submit a report by 31st March, which has been properly verified by an accredited verifier and which contains information about installation emissions occurred in the previous calendar year.
APCER, as the service provider for the verification of emission reports for the period from 2013 to 2020, assumes the obligations as set out in chapter II of Regulation (EU) No. 600/2012, obtaining and maintaining accreditation by the national accreditation body, the Portuguese Institute for Accreditation (IPAC).
APCER’s continued commitment to creating new skills aimed at satisfying the current and future needs of its Customers as well as its complete dedication to better serving its Customers, in a joint challenge of the non-stop search for sustainable excellence, lets us provide the GHG emission reports verification service.