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ISO/PAS 45005

Occupational health and safety management during the COVID-19 pandemic

Commitment to safety and health in your organization during the Covid-19 pandemic

COVID-19 changed the way of living and working. Organizations have been reorganizing over the course of the pandemic, adopting new work practices, and following the guidelines of health authorities, through the implementation of measures to protect human life.

ISO/PAS 45005 is an international standard that provides guidelines for the incorporation of best practices and helps manage the risks of COVID-19 regarding health, safety and well-being at work with the aim of protecting workers (organization’s workers, subcontractors, suppliers, among others) and the other relevant stakeholders (customers, public, etc.).

The ISO / PAS 45005 guidelines can be applied by organizations of all sizes and from all sectors, by organizations that continued to operate during the pandemic, by those that are planning to resume operations in all or some locations. work, and by the organizations that are going to start their activity.

It is a complementary standard to ISO 45001 and its implementation and certification can be integrated with other management systems. ISO / PAS 45005 will facilitate the coordination of resources and efforts in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in adapting to the “new normal”.

The main benefits of the implementation of this standard and subsequent audit by APCER are:

Be a source of good practices at the international level, based on current knowledge;

Standardize risk management and measure planning methodologies for different locations (including telework), workers and activities;

Helping organizations to develop a contingency plan that allows for a quick response if risk levels or operational restrictions change in the short term;

Help to control the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other diseases, reducing absences;

Define measures to ensure the safety of employees who have been in contact with infected people;

Helping to manage psychosocial factors resulting from new working conditions;

Facilitate communication between employees and the company on matters related to COVID-19.

Highlights & Trends

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    Occupational Health and Safety Management System
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    Quality, Management System
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  • ISO 50001

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