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06 Jun 2024
Certification plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing the quality, safety and conformity of organizations' products, services and systems. However, for certification to be reliable and internationally recognized, it is important that certification bodies operate in accordance with strict requirements established by international standards. In this context, accreditation is a guarantee…
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05 Jun 2024
World Food Safety Day is on 7 June, and this year the FAO and WHO have teamed up for a campaign with the theme ‘Food safety: prepare for the unexpected’. This campaign emphasizes the importance of being prepared to face unexpected challenges that could compromise food safety, from food-borne disease…
29 Feb 2024
Today, March 1, is World Civil Protection Day with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of this activity and recognizing the essential work of civil protection professionals around the world. It is an opportunity to highlight the need for disaster prevention measures, emergency response and community and organizational…
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23 Feb 2024
In support of ISO's London Declaration on Climate Change, ISO has passed a resolution originating two new text statements to be added to a number of existing management system standards, and which will be included in all new standards under development/revision, to address the need to consider the effect of…
07 Feb 2024
An organisation that takes the strategic decision to pursue certification gains many benefits over competitors that have not yet taken this step. The specific benefits vary with the type of certification chosen, and the particular characteristics of the company and the sector in which it operates. The advantages associated with…
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29 Jan 2024
Growing global concern about the climate crisis and environmental sustainability has increased efforts to combat deceptive practices that obscure the true environmental footprint of products and services. One of these practices is "greenwashing", a term that describes the actions of companies that promote themselves as environmentally conscious, but whose actions…
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03 Jan 2024
The IFS Food standard is an international reference created to guarantee food safety and quality throughout the production chain. It analyses products and production processes to assess a food industry's ability to produce safe, authentic and quality products in accordance with legal requirements and customer specifications. It serves as a…
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21 Dec 2023
The food industry is constantly evolving, and product quality and safety are fundamental. In this context, the BRCGS Food Safety standard is one of the essential pillars for guaranteeing excellence and compliance in this highly demanding sector. BRCGS Food Safety is an internationally recognized standard established to assist organizations in…

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